No award show is complete without the beautifully crafted trophies the winners take home. From cryst...

No award show is complete without the beautifully crafted trophies the winners take home. From cryst...
The holiday gifting season is in full swing and all the top suppliers in the industry are ready to m...
Having the right bag for the right occasion is crucial as all bags are not built for the same scenar...
Last week, Facilisgroup had a few suppliers visit their headquarters in St. Louis, including SanMar....
The holidays are approaching faster than you think, and now is the best time to help your clients pl...
Picture this: you’re doing your daily social media scroll and you see someone raving about this prod...
The kids are out of school, the days are getting longer, and the temperatures are starting to soar. ...
Why should humans be the only ones “treated” to promotional products? Our four-legged furballs shoul...
In the last issue of the Folio, we touched on eight booths from Facilisgroup’s Supplier Showcase tha...
With the New Year in full swing, the question on everyone’s mind is what’s in and trending in promo ...