Industry Buzz

Beyond the Logo: Q&A with Brandability

Written by The Folio Staff | Jan 12, 2024 4:33:53 PM

In case you haven’t heard, Scarborough Specialties has rebranded to Brandability as part of their ongoing effort to expand its operation to a national scale. On top of the new name, the company unveiled a new logo, updated website, and a new marketing strategy. In the latest Q&A, we spoke with the CEO of Brandability, Matthew Lamb, to discuss the recent rebrand, the work that went into it, and what lessons he learned during this transition.

THE FOLIO: What prompted the decision to rebrand? 

MATTHEW LAMB: We did an extensive customer segmentation exercise this past year that was eye-opening to who we are serving and where our resources are being spent. This opened many strategic conversations centered around what we do, why we exist, and who we serve. We have been operating since 1992 and have methodically built a business based on relationships and community involvement. 

The company showed impressive growth throughout the state of Texas. As the world evolved and innovation rapidly increased, we had clients and prospective talent that required more of a national reach and presence. We have been blessed with opportunities to grow the business and felt it was the right time to create a brand that was more accessible on the national stage. 

FOLIO: What's the meaning behind the new name, Brandability? What message are you trying to get across to your clients?

ML: At Brandability, we talk a lot about fulfilling our potential and delighting our customers with hospitality. Potential is driven by your mindset. I believe we are each called to excellence and that calling is answered when we unite together. We're obviously in the branding business and want to convey that but what separates us is our mindset, our ability...our willingness to believe in our potential, and our grit and commitment to reach our potential.

FOLIO: What specific goals did Brandability aim to achieve with the rebranding? 

ML: We wanted to create a brand that better articulates what we do. We also wanted to take advantage of the unique opportunity to redefine our brand identity and how we position ourselves in the market. 

FOLIO: How did Brandability ensure a smooth transition for customers and employees during the rebranding process? 

ML: These things never go perfectly and we learned a lot every step of the way, but we sure tried our best to plan and communicate as much as possible. We spent a lot of time thinking about what our team members, customers, suppliers, and partners would feel. It comes back to the Golden Rule. How would I want to be treated? What would I want to know? How would I want to be told and when? 

FOLIO: What market trends did Brandability consider during the process? 

ML: Market consolidation. We are in a mature industry that is fragmented. It's fiercely competitive and we are committed to growing and continually putting ourselves in a position to have a competitive advantage that will drive our growth in a healthy, scalable manner.

FOLIO: What KPIs are Brandability using to measure success? 

ML: Our most valuable asset is our team. We have incredible people who work really hard every day. Many of my teammates have been with the company for 10, 15, 20 years. My gauge of success is based on conversations with them. Their feedback is the measurement of success. 

FOLIO: What was the most significant lesson or takeaway Brandability learned during the rebranding process?

ML: The most valuable time in the process is between when you announce to the team and when the rest of the world finds out. We had two weeks between that was invaluable for our team to fully process the change and communicate in their way and own time to our top customers. This was critical in making the big event uneventful.

Thinking of going through a company-wide rebrand or brand refresh of your own? Check out our article on things to consider before going through your own rebrand or brand refresh.